You are 53 more likely to be on the first page of google.

Video Statistics You Should Know

You lose 1/2 your audience after 1 minute.

But, if someone will stay for more than 2, they’ll stay for 10 minutes.

Email open rates are 200 – 300 percent higher with video.

There is no discernible difference in production quality online.

Trust me, 8 out of 10 video statistics are made up, but 100% make a point.


Frost Media Group is an Omaha video production company. In our content-saturated, short-attention-span world, breaking through and resonating with your audience is not easy.

However, when it comes to telling your story and sharing it with your audience, there is no tool like video. Through video, you can convey a compelling account of who you are, what you do, what you stand for, and why your audience should care. Through video, you can create an emotional connection to your business, brand, or nonprofit. And emotional connections inspire action.

We are Frost Media Group. We are a video production and video marketing company that produces and distributes video that breaks through. Video that resonates. Video with a purpose. Whatever your story, whatever your message, we will find a strategic, creative way to express it to the world.